27 Mar 2024
All through the Scripture we meet with the BLOOD (Ex.12:13; Lev 17;11; Heb. 9:2e3; 1 Peter 1:18-19).The shedding of the blood in reference to sin offerings and sacrifices in the Scriptures means not merely suffering, which could be typified by blood, but it means suffering unto death.
Sin deserves death: The punishment for sin is not discomfort but death. (Gen.2:17).’The soul that sinneth, it shall die’ (Eze/ 18:4,20). The wages of sin is death (Rom 6:23).
Christ our Redeemer and substitute, must suffer unto death! The only way that God can honour his holy law, satisfy his perfect justice, fulfil his righteous sentence and yet forgive and justify guilty sinners was for Christ Jesus, the God-man, to come into this world and suffer unto death for us (Ro, 3:25-26; Gal. 3:13; 2 Cor. 5:21; 1 Peter 2:24; 3:18).
The atonement does not change the nature and character of God, for God is unchangeable, but rather it honours and magnifies the character of God. The death of Christ is not the cause of God’s love but the result of it (John 3:16). God is not merciful to sinners because Christ died; Christ died because God is merciful (Exod. 33:18-19).
God is love, God is merciful and gracious; but God is holy, just and righteous. In order that every attribute might be expressed, glorified and honoured, God gave his Son, Jesus Christ, to be the sacrifice and sin-offering of a chosen people.
As we ponder on the meaning of ‘Good Friday’, let us not forget the seriousness and gravity of sin before God and the consequences; let us also not forget that if the Triune God, from before the creation of the world, has not chosen to send the Son die for our sin and be the substitute, we are all doomed and condemned. It may be true that the betrayal of Judas is partially responsible for his death; it may be true that the chief priests, Pilate, and the mob are also responsible, but it is also true that the Father chose to bruise his Son so that we may be healed and saved for eternity. Glory and thanksgivings be to the Triune God!!